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Writer's pictureSiLaw Group Family Lawyers

Can't afford a lawyer on an hourly basis? Try Unbundled Services in Surrey, BC

Almost any part of a family lawyer's service can be unbundled. We are here to represent you throughout your entire process or on a limited retainer.

There are already enough restraints when we consider the barriers to justice. For instance, you may have low income but you are "asset rich" so you cannot qualify to obtain legal aid. Other barriers to justice is that there are not enough lawyers that are willing to take on clients unless they are charging on the "billable hour."

At SiLaw Group, we recognize the financial barriers to obtaining proper representation. We have several options available for you, including unbundled services on a limited retainer.

If you are looking for a service which requires a divorce coach in Surrey, BC or guidance to fill out court documents, then you are in the need of an unbundled service from our knowledgeable family lawyers. You may require us to only be in the background and provide you with guidance and tips or you may need a lawyer's services to represent you at an upcoming hearing but not attend to the everyday correspondence and letters that are being exchanged within the litigation. Some other tasks that can be unbundled by our BC family lawyers are:

  • Providing you with guidance and keeping you in the know about the current laws

  • Conducting legal research on a specific topic or several topics;

  • drafting court documents, submissions, affidavits, financial statements, orders, agreements, or any other documents

  • Preparing you for an upcoming court hearing, mediation, or any other legal process such as a Judicial Case Conference or a Family Settlement Conference; and

  • Representing you in court or mediation.

At SiLaw Group we are committed to removing barriers to the access of justice. To find out more options in obtaining legal representation, contact us at (778) 381-9977 or book a free consultation HERE and ask us how we can help you in your family matter.

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